Sensitivity Prediction
Synergistic Prediction


Top Basic Information Video Tutorial Main Functions 1. Query 2. Sensitivity Prediction 3. Synergistic Prediction 4. Rank

ADSPA: Anticancer Drug Sensitivity

Prediction Analysis

Welcome to the intelligent drug sensitivity analysis platform, an online analysis platform for querying and predicting drug sensitivity. Drug sensitivity prediction is an important part of drug design and development process. Identifying therapeutic biomarkers that predict drug response is very important in individualized medicine. In particular, accurate prediction of specific cancer types and patient drug responses remains a challenging problem. In view of the molecular complexity and heterogeneity of cancer, the prediction of drugs has attracted more and more attention. The intelligent drug sensitivity analysis platform integrates a variety of models, such as elasticnet and ridge, to predict the sensitivity of drugs to cells, so as to help reduce the cost of developing and testing drugs.

To query the sensitivity of known drugs, click here.

To predict the sensitivity of new drugs, click here.

To collaboratively predict the sensitivity of dual anticancer drugs, click here.

If you have other questions, please feel free to contact us!

Query known Medicine sensitivity.

In this function module, the sensitivity of drugs to specific cells can be queried by inputting cells and selecting drugs. The sensitivity of drugs to cells comes from CCLE database, which provides a wealth of information on drug sensitivity in different types of cancer cells. Our function module provides an efficient and user-friendly way to access this valuable information.

a. Input a cell name

b. Select a drug

c. Click the predict button

d. Get the result

We query the sensitivity score of a specific drug to a specific cell from CCLE database, which means the ActArea value.

Predict unknown Medicine sensitivity.

In this function module, we offer users the option to predict drug sensitivity in specific cells by uploading a drug description file and gene expression file. However, this may take some time to complete because it leverages machine learning algorithms such as neural networks to generate predictions based on the provided data. Please exercise patience while waiting for the results to be generated - the wait time will depend on the complexity of the model and the amount of data provided. If you have any questions, please contact us.

a. Select a method

b. Click the 'Browse..' button to upload drug description file and gene expression file

Example files are available by clicking the download button.

c. Click the predict button

d. Get the result

The result comes from the selected method. It means the predicted ActArea. We use data from CCLE database to train our model and give a predicted result by the input files.

Synergistic prediction of sensitivity of two Medicines.

Predict the synergy score of anticancer drugs, select a method, upload related files and put them into the back-end integration algorithm for prediction. However, this may take some time to complete because it leverages machine learning algorithms such as neural networks to generate predictions based on the provided data. Please exercise patience while waiting for the results to be generated - the wait time will depend on the complexity of the model and the amount of data provided.

a. Select a method

b. Click the 'Browse..' button to upload related files

The upload module varies due to the selected method. Here is an example of synergy.

Example files are available by clicking the download button.

c. Click the predict button

d. Get the result

The result comes from the selected method. We have different explanation in the result page for each method.

Rank the drug sensitivity of the same gene.

Enter the gene sequence of cancer cells, rank the sensitivity of different drugs, and display it in the results. Thus, it is convenient for doctors to prescribe drugs to the case, and it is conducive to doctors to develop targeted drugs for treatment, and it is also conducive to doctors to choose the most appropriate drugs for the disease. However, this may take some time to complete because it leverages machine learning algorithms such as neural networks to generate predictions based on the provided data. Please exercise patience while waiting for the results to be generated - the wait time will depend on the complexity of the model and the amount of data provided.

a. Select a method

b. Click the 'Browse..' button to upload gene expression file

Example files are available by clicking the download button.

c. Click the predict button

d. Get the result

The result comes from the selected method. We use data from CCLE database to train our model and give a list of predicted results by the input gene expression file and drug data that stored in our back-end system.

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